Sunday, June 03, 2007


The Desert of the Sahara is situated in Africa, is the bigest of the world. It has a extension of 9.065.000 km².
The Occidental Sahara is in the occidental
extreme of the Desert of the Sahara.
The Occidental Sahara, beginning was of Spain, but after decided leave it. And then the
Occidental Sahara passed to be of Marruecos. Now is of Marruecos, but no all the territory.
In the Occidental Sahara there was a problem, (and now too). Because the people that life there, the
Saharauis, have a low level of life. The haven't something. They was expel of his towns, and they finished living in the Sahara Occidental. And they can't go out of this country.
Also, they live in a
campings of refugees.

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